by emf-IQ | Feb 2, 2023 | Credible Source, Health and Wellbeing, Research
Did you know Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss, born today (1777 – 1855) is considered one of the greatest mathematicians who ever lived, and he was also a pioneer in the study of magnetic fields?! He developed one of the first devices capable of measuring the...
by emf-IQ | Oct 18, 2022 | Health and Wellbeing, Research
Today is #worldmenopauseday Our focus is #regenerative #sleep helping women settle into their new cycle #energised… Let us help you unlock as many health benefits as possible by assessing you in your spaces at this critical milestone in your life… TODAY30%OFF Feel...
by emf-IQ | Jun 13, 2022 | Credible Source, Health and Wellbeing, Research
According to the pollen forecast by the Met Office, it is very bad for hayfever sufferers right now with the high – very high pollen count 13 – 17 June 2022. Bearing in mind hay fever is usually worse between March and September, when it’s warm, humid and...
by emf-IQ | Mar 18, 2022 | Credible Source, Health and Wellbeing, Podcast
Since 2012, most human beings on Earth have been awakened to the fact that there are entire nations of people who are measurably happier than they are! This uplifting annual reminder is known as the World Happiness Report, published by the United Nations Sustainable...
by emf-IQ | Feb 28, 2022 | Health and Wellbeing, Research
Top 3 plants against EMF radiation Sunflowers have been tested and proved to be one of the best naturally absorbing of #radiation. Tons of sunflowers have been planted all over heavily affected areas with radiation. So it certainly says something about a culture when...
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