The time has come for everyone to focus on their health which is undoubtedly the new wealth! And if you don’t own land or fixed property with a garden, then this post is especially for you…
Why not lay claim to the electricity from planet earth for the rest of summer (21 June – 22 September 2021)? It really is the best time to make the most of connecting electrically with the earth so that a healthy exchange can take place, in a process called “Earthing” or “Grounding.” This simply means putting your bare feet on the ground for at least 45minutes EVERYDAY! It can happen in water – while swimming in the sea, lakes, rivers – or while walking barefoot on sand… the choice is entirely yours.
The big critical exchange is so that everything is balanced, normal, or in scientific parlance, can reach homeostasis. This means while our bodies connect direct with the earth our feet soak up electrons, and the firestorm of negative toxins raging in our bodies like air pollution, heavy metals and free radicals, get discharged from our bodies back into the earth! That is also how it puts out the fire of imbalance we often feel but cannot always explain, leaving our bodies feeling a whole lot better.
Many doctors and scientists know earthing to be a reliable, simple, yet powerful way to support and bolster our health as it can drain the body of inflammation, pain, stress, and fatigue. Research studies documented the benefits of earthing or grounding on the body… which ranges from making the blood thinner to recording changes in (skin) inflammation, to improving the heart rate variability. In fact, some doctors call this the most primitive, easiest and cheapest way to creating optimum health. Others called it ‘caveman medicine’ and still others called it ‘the barefoot revolution’… pretty good simplistic descriptors for science experts to get the point across! In our experience as emf practitioners who measure the body, it is as simple as walking or sitting barefoot outdoors to discharge all the man-made frequencies, easily done now that it is summer.
Sadly, many will never get the message simply as most people have become too obsessed with the shoe revolution and which seperates us from the earth’s healthy Schumann Resonance. In this context many have labelled the synthetic shoe sole as the most destructive invention ever made. Think EMFs and it makes perfect sense… many modern wireless devices would instead charge our bodies with electromagnetic fields as it runs on WiFi, so not grounded, and neither are we when wearing shoes!
Walking barefoot can bring some real health benefits… so why not find your ground with planet earth this summer?
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